About Us

Here, you are Family

If you are thinking about enrolling your child in Catholic school, come give us a try. We’d love to have you as a member of our school family! We invite anyone who has an interest to call and schedule a tour. Big things are happening at Immaculate Conception School, come find out why.

Faith in Action

As we strive to teach and form our students, we focus on four different areas of growth and faith formation. These four core areas help us to focus on the dignity of each individual and prepare them to interact in a faith filled manner with their families, their peers, and their communities around them.


Everyone knows that children attend school to learn, but about what? Should learning only include topics in Math, Science, Literature, or other established normalized curriculum? A Catholic education is a unique learning experience because it focuses on more than just academics. We believe in teaching our children how to build their character, morality, dignity of the human person, and serving others, too. Our faculty surround our children in a safe, supportive environment to explore their knowledge, challenge their thinking, inspire their confidence, and hone their God given talents and abilities. All in one place, and most importantly, through Christ’s example.

Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.

Proverbs 22:6



Serving others is a key pillar to our school and provides a solid personal foundation to change the world around us. Our students have numerous opportunities to grow in love and serve others. Students participate in daily Mass as servers, lectors,  or music worship. Our 8th graders participate in a Christian service program, allowing them to volunteer their time and talent in ways of their own choice as a requirement for Graduation.  We also participate materially and financially to the Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry drive, other Catholic Charities, and Birthright. Recently our students have joined together in supporting a Haitian student Armanda. Other activities includes making rosaries, a scavenger hunt, creating gifts for local veterans, and picking up trash at Jackson City Park.

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

1 Peter 4:10


Leadership at IC begins with Christ’s example, but it doesn’t stop there. Father John Harth plays a very active role in our school and in our religious education curriculum. So many of our teachers have positive impact on their students that they inspire others to be teachers and return as alumni teachers. We are very fortunate to be the only Catholic school in the area with a dedicated Special Education teacher. Our students also participate in leadership activities. 

Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

1 Timothy 4:12


In order to achieve the desired aim or result, one must strive for excellence and overcome any obstacles that stand in their way. Our students are challenged to find their strengths, improve upon their weaknesses, and come together to  help each other be the very best each can be. Many of our current faculty are IC Alumni that were so inspired by what they experienced they to came back to teach at Immaculate Conception. Our students consistently test above the national level according to the Iowa Assessment (ITBS) scores. Many are placed into Advanced Placement or College Prep classes when they enroll in high school. Whether its receiving 60 awards at a single Science Fair, competing at the State level in FLL Robotics for 6 years and counting, or our 2018-19 Ladies Basketball team being undefeated in regular season play, our students learn first hand how to succeed.

Observe carefully the words of this covenant, therefore, in order that you may succeed in whatever you do.

Deuteronomy 29:8



The girls have learned many Bible stories, prayers, about the Sacraments, and how to serve in church! At Mass, the girls read, serve, and song lead. This is teaching them how to speak in public, and helps build their confidence. These experiences will help them as they mature into young adults, and shapes them into successful young people.  – Trina H.


The teachers are amazing, they really care about my kids and want them to succeed. I also like being able to have the chance to get to know other parents as it’s a very tight knit group of families. – Marilyn G.


My kids have gained a lot from IC. As parents we teach them about respect and appropriate behaviors which is reinforced at IC. They have gained great friendships. They have also gained knowledge about the catholic faith, more so than they could learn from us as parents or just from attending mass.  – Marissa J.


I feel my childrens’ faith is strengthened every day by their education at IC; not only through the curriculum in their religion classes, but more importantly, through the lives of those who surround them. We are part of a family that not only teaches and preaches but one that loves and lives what they teach and preach.  – Jennifer V.


Our kids have gained a firm foundation for their Catholic faith and participation in the Sacraments. I believe this is the primary differentiator for a Catholic grade school. This fall, our daughter will be in eighth grade, and she has a service hour requirement for the first time. She has eagerly sought out service opportunities this summer (e.g. helping at VBS and the St. Ann’s rummage sale) and has enjoyed her time participating in those events. It’s nice to see that something that began initially as fulfilling a requirement has taken on added value to her as she does it and sees that it can be both a fun experience and a service to the community. – Tim H.